Daf Yomi & Shas by Real Clear Daf

RealClearDaf.com’s famous Daf Yomi shiurim have been neatly arranged in this highly intelligent Torah app!

This app puts an interactive e-Gemara in your pocket with the following features:

* Easily play/download Real Clear Daf’s Daf Yomi audio shiurim
* Automatically remembers where you left off.
* Shiurim published several days in advanced and archived for you to access any previous masechta.
* Contact the maggid shiur directly for tech support or any other questions.
* Hold down words to highlight, underline, or take notes in your Gemara.
* Look up thousands of words in the built-in Aramaic-English Talmudic dictionary.
* Participate in our discussion section where you can ask and answer questions with other RCD users.

App Developed by Sifra Digital (www.sifradigital.com)