if the Hebrew is backward read the help for solution
(this solution also replace holy names)
you can download full free one app in the Amazon store
OnYourWay (Uvelechtecha Baderech) the biggest Jewish books app is coming to the android world,
On Your Way – the bigest free jewish iphone hebrew reader,
the bible with Rashi, Onkelus, Eben Ezra, Ramban Seforno and more
Mishan – with Bartenura and Tosfot yom tov
Talmud – Rashi and tosfot
Midrash Raba, Tanchuma and shimoni
please note: the search options depend on internet connectivity.
for bug reports please send mail, don’t leave it in the reviews
containing Machshava, Musar, Halach, Kabala etc.
if the Hebrew is LTR read the help for solution
also you can access the mobile site from all your devices:
if you have problems please provide your machine type and android version with good description to:
twitter: @OYWapp